Until August 15, 2023 the call is open for proposals for a book, to be published in digital format (ebook) in the Biblioteca (Library) of AIA-SEAS.
The Editorial Committee of AIA-SEAS is accepting proposals in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities that focus on Southeast Asia and fit into one of the two series of the Library – the Contemporary Studies series and the Archivesseries.
For more information or inquiries, please contact: comissaoeditorialaiaseas@gmail.com.
1. The AIA-SEAS Library
AIA-SEAS – Asociación Iberoamericana de Estudios del Sudeste Asiático is a non-profit association established with the aim of being the coordinating institution among European and Latin American counterparts.
The association brings together researchers in Social Sciences and Humanities from the Ibero-American region with research interests in Southeast Asia. One of the fundamental objectives of AIA-SEAS is to disseminate research findings on Southeast Asia in Ibero-American languages. For this purpose, the AIA-SEAS Library of Southeast Asian Studies was created.
2. What do we publish?
The AIA-SEAS Library of Southeast Asian Studies publishes manuscripts focused on the Southeast Asian region in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The languages accepted for publication are preferably Portuguese and Spanish. Other official and co-official Ibero-American languages are also eligible.
The AIA-SEAS Library of Southeast Asian Studies publishes books in electronic format with the possibility of print on demand.
The Series: Contemporary Studies and Archives
The Library of Southeast Asian Studies of AIA-SEAS currently consists of two series: the Contemporary Studies Series and the Archives Series.
The Contemporary Studies Series brings out unpublished studies, including doctoral theses and master’s dissertations.
The Archives Series publishes relevant written primary sources with extensive and appropriate contextualization.
3. Why publishing with the AIA-SEAS Library of Southeast Asian Studies?
The goal of the AIA-SEAS Library of Southeast Asian Studies is to support and stimulate knowledge and scientific advancement through academic publications. Therefore, we place great importance on the quality of the content of our publications. Book proposals and manuscripts are evaluated according to academic standards, involving an editorial board and external peer review.
4. Manuscript proposals
The Editorial Committee accepts proposals until July 31, 2023. Of those proposals received, one will be selected for publication. Submissions should be sent to the email address comissaoeditorialaiaseas@gmail.com, along with the following documents:
– Manuscript Presentation: an abstract, between 500 and 1000 words, about the theme and objectives of the work, as well as the target audience it is intended for.
The presentation should also include:
- Five keywords that identify the topics of the proposal;
- A statement of the book’s strengths (innovative, relevance, etc.);
- The suggested title.
– Brief Curriculum Vitae of the author(s), or a reference to the ORCID page.
Rules for the manuscript
The manuscripts should be formatted according to the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style, 7th edition, and have a maximum of 100,000 words, including appendices and bibliography.
The file format should be Word for Windows (*.doc or *.docx), or any other compatible word processor. The original files of graphics or figures should be attached to the proposal, as well as image files, which should have good resolution (300dpi).
5. Manuscript Evaluation and Selection Process:
Only proposals corresponding to the general manuscript guidelines are eligible for assessment.
The manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation by members of the AIA-SEAS Editorial Committee.
If this assessment is positive, the manuscript is sent to two experts, who are asked to provide feedback on the overall quality of the work and detailed comments on the text. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript lies with the AIA-SEAS Editorial Committee.
The peer review process is double-blind unless the reviewer wishes to share their identity with the author (Open Peer Review), following the proposals established by Ciencia Abierta.
If you have any questions, you can contact the AIA-SEAS Editorial Committee at the following email address: comissaoeditorialaiaseas@gmail.com.